Saturday, October 26, 2013

Peer blog

So I read a lot of my peers blogs, but I really enjoyed reading Veraunica's Blog. She has gone in depth on many topics that we have discussed and read about. She has pulled out many important things to remember from the reading and gone in depth. I really liked this quote that she used on her blog.
"A 'bad' teacher can be defined as those teachers that teacher a subject, while those 'good' teachers teach students a subject.

How can curriculum and instruction be used as a vehicle?" I like this. Differentiation is like the individual vehicles we use to help our students succeed. Each vehicle is different and has different purposes, so we need to help our students in their individual vehicle so they can drive into success. 

Thursday, October 24, 2013


We discussed Tiering in our class the other day and I have found that it is very important in differentiation. We compared tiering to a wedding cake and how each layer is different, but they all serve the same purpose.They have the same ingredients, but are not all the same measurements. I found this to be a very helpful visual to show that as a teacher, as I tier, I need to focus on the needs of each student while guiding them all to the same end goal. They may all start at different places, but with tiering, I can guide them all in towards the same end goal. Tiering is a way to teach one concept while meeting the diverse needs of all of my students. I found this video which helped me understand a bit of the framework of tiering.

Here it is

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Hallmarks of a Differentiated Classroom

In class we have been talking about the eight different hallmarks that should be present in a differentiated classroom. In class a week ago we had presentations where each group had to come up with an analogy that could describe and relate to each of the hallmarks. Following will be a list of the hallmarks with the analogy that was displayed from each of the presentations:

1. A strong link between assessment and instruction:The group that presented this hallmark had strips of paper for assessment and instructional needs in the classroom. They then had each person read one of the papers and then make it into a link. As we read each paper for each category we created a chain of links showing that they are inseparably connected.

2. Absolute clarity about what the teacher wants the students to know, understand, and be able to do about what is truly important to learn in the unit: This group had this hallmark typed onto a piece of paper really small and used the document camera to project it for us. We could not read what it said. They then pulled out different tools to try to be able to use it. They used a glue stick, a highlighter, a crayon etc. They then pulled out a magnifying glass to bring clarity to the typed text. We were then able to read it.

3. Shared responsibility for the classroom is between teacher and students, in the goal of making it work for everyone: This was the analogy I did with a partner.We did a tour of an ant hill showing the responsibilities of each of the different types of ants. Each ant had a role to play in the ant hill, but each ant was different. For the ant hill to function, each ant was needed. The primary role of the queen ant was not to be the "ruler" but to protect and guide her ants.

4. Individual growth is emphasized as central to classroom success: The group that did this analogy brought a "pack" of pansies that were growing. There were a bunch of flowers. Some were fully bloomed while others were just a bud. They talked about how we are the gardener and we need to tend to all of our flowers. Each flower is at a different stage but has a potential and as the gardener, we need to do our best to help each flower reach its full potential. To have a beautiful garden you need each flower, not just the fully bloomed ones.

5. A "way up" usually through multiple and varied pathways, and never a "way out.": This group had several airplanes with magnets on the whiteboard. Each plane was going up, but each at different degrees. Some planes needed more support than others, but they were all progressing up. Much like our students. They are all at different levels moving at different speeds, but as teachers we can all help them continue to progress and move up.

6. "Respectful" and engaging work for all students: This related this hallmark to Goldie locks and the Three Bears. They showed this video here. They talked about how "just right" isn't the same for everyone. We need to know our students and help them by providing instruction, activities, and homework that is "just right" for each student as an individual.

7. Flexible Grouping: This group had us all get into groups that had the same shoe colors. Then they had us get into groups that had the same type of shoe. They finally had us get into pairs with someone whose shoes were completely different. They explained that we need to group in many different ways depending on our purposes for the group and that the groups should never be the same.

8. Flexible use of time, space, and materials: This group used Tan grams to make a square. Each piece had a word that related to time, space, and materials. They arranged it into a square, and then into different shapes showing that we can be flexible with what we have to help our students achieve greatness.